We are aware of the fact that social media marketing plays a crucial role in customers buying decisions. Instagram is one of the best platforms to market your product and one of the most popular social media platforms. Over the years it has grown immensely, it is no longer just a picture sharing application it’s now used for marketing by the brands and by influencers who create innovative content to appeal to people. So if you are running a business you must be definitely on Instagram. In fact around 70 % of USA businesses use Instagram for their marketing.
When you talk about marketing on Instagram you cannot forget the Hashtags which are super trending these days and 7 out of every 10 hashtags are of brand hence it is indeed an integral part of digital marketing.
Hashtags campaigns have done wonders for the top brands.
For example -one of the best online streaming platform Netflix hashtag to promote the new season of Netflix original series Stranger Things. In a short period of time the campaign was viral all over the world and encouraged millions of people to posts by using the hashtag “ StrangerThings2”. People started using this in their daily life incidents and Netflix managed to promote their series and get around 1 million audience approximately within one week.
So in this way you can even create your own campaigns or a hashtag for your brand and use user-generated content as a marketing strategy to engage your customers and increase your sales. You can embed these your Instagram hashtag feeds on your websites and build social proof, engage your customers and generate more revenue.
If you are still unsure about how to use Instagram hashtags on your website let’s have a look at different ways to do so :
Simply display Screenshot of Pictures :
As we all know that visual content attracts attention more than words. Adding beautiful pictures to your websites’ story, content or message can make it an engaging page that gets all the attention of the audience. So, you can simply take a screenshot of posts that are shared by your users, influencers, or fans using your hashtag and embed it on your website. Positive posts from your existing customers make your website look genuine, trustworthy and interesting.
Use WordPress Plugins :
If you have a WordPress website then you can easily install WordPress plugins like Smash Balloon for embedding your Instagram feeds. The plugin offers you various customization features to change the look and feel of your feeds. It can be installed easily from your WordPress. Smash Balloon helps you to keep your content fresh on your website by automatically updating your Instagram feeds. With this you can increase social engagement as well as your followers.
By Embedding an Instagram Widget:

You can also create a social media wall by aggregating all your hashtag posts. Social media aggregation tools like Taggbox can help you with this. These tools provide you customization options to customize your feeds according to your requirements. Also, it offers you a moderation feature to approve the posts before making them public on your website. Finally, you can also get an insight into the active users, total visitors, post clicks, and others with the analytic feature.
The feed can be easily displayed on your website using a simple HTML code that you can copy-paste at the backend of your website. The social media aggregators keep your websites updates and make your Instagram feeds dynamic and attractive.
Directly Embedding Hashtag Feeds from Instagram :
Instagram application itself allows an embed option. You can choose the hashtag posts you want to embed and find the HTML code from the options. This code needs to be copied and pasted at the backend of your website. This way you can easily get Instagram posts on your website. The only limitation here is that you have to embed posts one by one and the method is limited to customization.
Creating Shoppable Posts :

Suppose if you are an e-commerce brand and with your Instagram feeds people can also see your product within a click? Sounds cool right! This not only is beneficial for your brand but is also convenient for your customers who can conveniently have a visual shopping experience. Well, tools like Taggbox offer you a feature to make your feed shoppable. You can collect user-generated feed from your Instagram and tag your products to UGC feed and simply embed it on your website.
To Conclude:
Here were different ways by which you can embed your Instagram feeds on your website. So now start embedding feeds on your website and make it look more attractive and dynamic with the latest user-generated content. Also, enhance user engagement, build social proof for your brand, and ultimately experience a hike in your sales and conversions.